We will continue preaching God the Father and God the Mother

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

You know...it is so funny how many people base their salvation on the verse written in the book of Romans 10. It goes as follow:

Romans 10:9 That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

So many Christians recall this verse to state that they are saved because they believe in Jesus Christ, but believing it’s just not only saying ‘I believe’, its more than that, it is actions. We must do everything Christ commanded us to do, not just want we want/like.

The reason why I refer to this is because among so many things Christ to us to do there’s a very important one which is preaching. But it is so funny to see how many Christian Churches who ‘follow’ Christ don’t preach at all.

Only the World Mission Society Church of God preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ just as he did.
Mark 1:38 Jesus replied, "Let us go somewhere else—to the nearby villages—so I can preach there also. That is why I have come."

Luke 4:43 But he said, "I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent."

Now we are preaching the good news of Heavenly Mother because it is the last prophecy thru which we can receive salvation. It’s funny because when we go preaching we find all types of answers; some have never heard of it, others just take it as knowledge and some others have heard of it many times…if they only knew how bless are they to receive this message.

Jesus Christ preached the Gospel in order to lead his people to salvation. We do it for the same reason. If we don’t tell them about the Spirit and the Bride giving Eternal Life how would they know?

Christ Ahnsahnghong is the Holy Spirit and Heavenly Mother Jerusalem is the Bride. This message is in the Bible and as Christ true followers we must deliver it. Jesus himself testifies about his second coming and of the Bride…

Matthew 28:18 Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…

Christ preached this message for us; we must know the name of the Holy Spirit which is Christ Ahnsahnghong. He also preached to his disciples about the Heavenly Mother who is going to appear in the last days…

Galatians 4:26 But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.

Apostle Paul testified to this, but from who did he received all his teachings? From God, Jesus Christ.

1Corinthians 11:23 For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you…

This message is amazing, the only thing I can advice is that if you are approached by us delivering this message please listen, it’s about Eternal Life.